Saturday, August 11, 2007

How many hidden worlds do we pass by everyday?


Anonymous said...

hello Robert! I love and miss you... and congratulations. I love this picture. it reminded me of an experience I had just a couple of days ago. I was at the coffee shop, Burnt Toast, on the hill in Boulder, and I look out one of the back windows and there are two baby pigeons all new and nestle (or nesting as such) and another little egg on the way... it was special! how you b Daddy-o

Konrad Newman said...

Hey, i love and miss you too! And thanks for the congrats!!

This picture i took in the bathroom of my work. i used that bathroom everyday for a year before it even occurred to me to see what was beyond the window.

Your hidden world sounds phenomonal!

i think your story pretty much sums up my idea; each of our hidden worlds, these places we gloss over everyday, are all home to an infinity of new life.

When ever life seems to grow old, just take a walk down that alley you've never walked before, see what the room walk at a different rhythm, fall in love with anything and everything around you.

Anonymous said...

hells yeah Robert! The world is pretty incredible when I look up and see past my own thoughts or self importancees, but as to just B.

I saw something special come toward me once, and felt just as you described, "an infinite new life." I came up with a saying for that moment, and it goes like this:

"What comes to whole heartedly mine..."

a gift, carried not by the hands or the mind but with the heart.

Konrad Newman said...

Man... i love you!!