Tuesday, February 24, 2009


... by Beethoven

... by John Cage

... by Erik Satie

... by Steve Reich

Felix Gonzalez-Torres

One of my favorite artists.
He has a great piece at
the DAllas Museum where
he uses candy as one of his
materials. You can take a piece of candy home with you, a whole handful if you want. Dude's Rad!

Monday, February 23, 2009

KAWS (Part II)

A few earlier pieces from KAWS ...

Sunday, February 22, 2009


These are some paintings on display in LA by KAWS. His story reads like a legend. He first start as a graffiti writer. Most famously for hitting up Captain Morgan and Snoopy billboards. Then painting over advertisements at bus stops. And then making toys and designing clothes for Bape. He has his own clothing label and store Original Fake. And recently he designed a billboard for Kanye West's latest album,which was displayed in Time's square. And now he is in the limelight as he opens a new show in LA. This kid has raised the bar unbelievably high. And next?

read this article from the LA Times

Here's a video from CBS news???

Saturday, February 21, 2009


These days with my ever decreasing attention span for internet videos, my measure of something being good is based on if I can watch the whole entire thing (of 3 minutes!). With that being said, I think I like this one. It was half-animated by SO ME, the famed artist associated with Justice.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dash Snow and Nate Lowman

Happy Valentines

Garrr, Sunny is going to eat you up like a box of chocolates!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Helios "Unomia"

Album: "Unomia" by Helios
Context: The train ride home
Location: Tokyo, Japan

Melody echoes, overlaps, transcends. The frigid winter night’s breeze calms the atmosphere yet gives the moment its vividness. The train doors hiss with a release of pressure as they come to a close. The engines start with an electronic portomento. The air conditioning replaces the outside breeze as a fragmented rhythm emerges from the aural mist. The train travels from station to station throughout the black abyss that passes beyond the windows, the city lights creating endless constellations as the train careens its course. Melody of an organic synthesis countered by rhythms of a broken society and the sounds of a hidden life all fade in and out of the airy and constant drone the train creates as it journeys, mingling with the sounds of railroad crossing signals as they pass in crescendo and diminuendo, the singing breaks as we near a station, the conversations of the passengers aboard, the clicks and clacks of the tracks beneath.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Alex the face & Sunny-L

AKA Alex the Wildthing and Sunshine

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gavin and Sunny


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kathy's Memorial Service

'all in all is all we all are'

Gavin: Happy Birthday, and the cats out of the bag... Congradulations!