Monday, September 20, 2010

Your voice echoes

She wades through a sea of doubt and business people,
Clutching her briefcase from the ten years as a claims adjuster,
It’s been five months of these interviews with no luck,
Stepping through the revolving doors the air tastes like poison,
Starting the car she remembers her son waits for his ride home,
Thinking “How to get 20 min across town 10 min ago?”
She un-parallels her car, and is immediately cut off by her interviewer’s Bentley.

A twenty-two year-old on a flight from New York City flaunts an $1200.00 watch,
Talks about her happenstance trip to Aspen to meet her brothers’ fiancé,
“I just want be the supportive sister, y’know”, images of jellyfish float on the screens,
Three soldiers on leave from Afghanistan sit in coach mashing shoulders, one reads Ayn Rands' “We The Living”,
while a teenager complains about her private school’s misplaced philosophy that everyone is a winner.

“In life, there are winners, and there are losers”

1 comment:

Konrad Newman said...

Winners are cheaters.

Losers are beautiful.