Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Konono no. 1

"KONONO N°1 was founded over 25 years ago by Mingiedi, a virtuoso of the likembé (a traditional instrument sometimes called "sanza" or "thumb piano", consisting of metal rods attached to a resonator). The band's line-up includes three electric likembés (bass, medium and treble), equipped with hand-made microphones built from magnets salvaged from old car parts, and plugged into amplifiers. There's also a rhythm section which uses traditional as well as makeshift percussion (pans, pots and car parts), three singers, three dancers and a sound system featuring these famous megaphones." 

Taken from:


September said...

Super sick. I'd love to try and make one of those speakers if there were a recipe

Anonymous said...

super-trancy! thanks for sharing that, Rob. I get so wrapped up in my own world that it's sometimes hard remember that moments / places like those exist.