He sits patiently, quietly, his hands delicately clasped, legs folded in perfect form, and in an equally immaculate posture. Though sitting sheltered in the shade of a tree, lushly green with the season, his purely white dress shirt seems to radiate the suns brilliance.
In front of him are neatly placed his black leather shoes.
Beneath him a humble mat of the day's news offers him a simple comfort from the hard sidewalk below.
At his side a single perfectly organized box contains all his worldly possessions.
Before him the endless static of the metropolis passes, in a variety of different costumes, in a variety of different rhythms, in a variety of different speeds, in a variety of different purposes.
He sits, the overwhelming roar of the cosmopolitan machine surrounding him, yet only hearing the fragile rustling of the leaves above, dancing in the blissful breeze.