If you have some time, check out this site. Be sure to look at the Film and Video page. There is also a great mp3 archive as well as a lot of great papers.
Documentary about early 80s graffitiartists bringing their work to the galleries. Featuring Rammellzee, Futura, Daze, Crash, Basquiat, and Keith Haring.
This movie was written by Martin Scorsese. It was based on the book written by Nikos Kazantzakis. The score was done by Peter Gabriel. Jesus is played by William Defoe. Judas is played by Harvey Keitel. As for the execution of the film, its solid. The imagery, the acting, the story, the sound. This is the best religious film I've ever seen. It reminded me of reading Paradise Lost by John Milton, where Satan is given these human qualities. In this film Jesus is overflowing with humanity. He confesses his sins and he shivers in terror at his obligation to God. We can feel the pain. I'm not a christian, but this film has completely changed my image of Jesus. It makes you really think about fighting to live your life, whoever you are. A lot of people feel really alone when they go through hard times. They think they don't deserve there miseries. But the reality of it, is that everyone goes through it one way or another. We are forced to fight to live.