Album: "Unomia" by Helios
Context: The train ride home
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Melody echoes, overlaps, transcends. The frigid winter night’s breeze calms the atmosphere yet gives the moment its vividness. The train doors hiss with a release of pressure as they come to a close. The engines start with an electronic portomento. The air conditioning replaces the outside breeze as a fragmented rhythm emerges from the aural mist. The train travels from station to station throughout the black abyss that passes beyond the windows, the city lights creating endless constellations as the train careens its course. Melody of an organic synthesis countered by rhythms of a broken society and the sounds of a hidden life all fade in and out of the airy and constant drone the train creates as it journeys, mingling with the sounds of railroad crossing signals as they pass in crescendo and diminuendo, the singing breaks as we near a station, the conversations of the passengers aboard, the clicks and clacks of the tracks beneath.
1 comment:
fucking beautiful, you totally brought me there. for some reason your, "singing breaks" reminded me of death itself, or about how temporal all our efforts are.
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