Sunday, September 2, 2007

Ancient Grease

Old heads found in family albums


September said...

these are cool. I love taking pictures of abstract things, but people's face are the most intriguing. I've been thinking a lot lately about how we see ourselves in other people. Especially our influences and the the people that we don't like. But I think peoples faces are really powerful in art and in movies.

Konrad Newman said...

Nice! These remind me of walking through the alleys of Denver, finding discarded, abandoned, forgotten photographs on the ground.

i was also thinking about people's faces recently. i've noticed over the past decade that there seem to be some constants in various types of peoples faces.

Exhibit A: One guy i worked with in 2002 used a rather interesing rhythm in speaking. He also used to hold his pen and stab it in the air while he spoke. Now i work with a different guy, from a different country, who used the same speech rhythm and stabbing gesture. The two of them look remarkably alike. They share similar pointed noises, red creased bags under their eyes, and sharply pointed and dimpled chins.

Exhibit B: Two other guys i've worked with over the years, shared the same eye color and indented shape, similarly small flute-player lips, and red cheeks. The two of them shared very similar tastes in music, sitting styles, and humour.

So, basically i've been thinking about how our faces, and bodies, are a direct reflection of our lives. Our actions directly effect our shapes; smiling and scowling exercise different muscles of the face.

Anonymous said...

i used to love finding random pictures of people when I was out walking the streets. somehow, through those pictures I began to know people in any way I wanted... that was liberating for me.

Lately I've been think about peoples faces as if they where a specific breed or pedigree... like dogs, I guess. Not in a mean since, it's just that certain people look the same even though they can't possibly be related.

It's kinda funny to think of people in terms of being yet another animal type on the planet with unique characteristics, spirit, or experiences... but generic genes.