Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Room on a Street (verse 5)

A recorded voice echoes the space from various speakers(25)
On the platform a workman is kicking rocks next to the track while his partners are peering over the wall with an umbrella(26)
The speakers announce the coming train(27)
A song is played
On the train announcements are made from a speaker inside the air conditioning vent in a male's voice(28)
We get off the train
A crowd squeezes onto a narrow escalator(29)
At the ticket gate
I peek into a window covered by a curtain
Creating a soft pillow light(30)

1 comment:

Konrad Newman said...

i really like this idea. It feels like a movie, an album, and a book. The aesthetics are nice too. The pictures make it really easy to identify.

Its a great documentation of everyday life.

As a read/watched/listened i found myself imagining my own everyday life, its words/images/sounds, in the same presentation.

I think your idea would make a good movie or magazine.

It would also be nice to compare/contrast with a series of other people's experiences.